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Welcome to our Archives page. On this page you will find a total of 498 of our articles broken down into Months and Years.

Vishwaguruji again with his Indian bhaktas

Following visits to several countries for the World Peace Tour, Vishwaguruji has once again blessed his Indian devotees with his darshan.

Diwali message from Vishwaguruji

Diwali blessing from Vishwaguruji 2016

Australian tour continues in Brisbane, Sunshine Coast and Sydney

Vishwaguruji continued the Australian leg of his World Peace Tour in Yoga in Daily Life centers in Brisbane, Sunshine Coast and Sydney.

Vishwaguruji brings the Divine Light to Melbourne

After New Zealand and Fiji, Vishwaguruji has been visiting Yoga in Daily Life centers in Australia on his World Peace Tour. Melbourne bhaktas and practitioners of Yoga in Daily Life were blessed with inspiration in satsang with Vishwaguruji on Saturday 22 October 2016 in Melbourne Ashram.

Vishwaguruji continues World Peace Tour in New Zealand and Fiji Islands

Vishwaguruji has been spending the early days of spring in New Zealand and Fiji, on the southern hemisphere leg of his 2016 World Peace Tour.

International Day of Non-Violence observed in New Zealand

2 October 2016

Vishwaguruji was invited by the Pujya Mahatma Gandhi Commemoration Committee (PMGBCC) to participate in the commemoration for Mahatma Gandhi’s Birthday and observance of International Day of Non-Violence, in Wellington, New Zealand, during his World Peace Tour.

Vishwaguruji’s Weekend Programme in San Francisco Bay Area, California

Yoga in Daily Life Bay Area welcomed Vishwaguruji for a weekend program titled ‘Yoga for the Body and Beyond’, from 23 to 26 September 2016.

Vishwaguruji in Atlanta 2016

Vishwaguruji’s visit to the Atlanta area was short, only three days, but full of events.

Promoting Peace and Sustainability in Alexandria, USA

Vishwaguruji repeated his message of community, harmony, and world peace on Sunday, 18 September 2016, in Alexandria, Virginia, outside of Washington, DC.

Vishwaguruji's USA tour starts in New York

After programs in Vancouver, Canada, Vishwaguruji’s World Tour continued in the United States, with the first stop in New York City.

Results 281 - 290 of 498